Officially licensed Batman Begins/The Dark Knight rubber cowl mask. This is a full head cowl just like in the films. It is made of vinyl rubber and has velcro in the back so you can get into and out of the cowl easily. It can fit up to a 24" head just fine. It is the most comfortable cowl we have ever sold with nice sharp lines and a smooth rubber finish. Trust us, we have been selling Batman cowls since 1999 and this is the best you can get! It can fit any type of Batman style costume you are going for, even comic style Batman costumes!
You first saw this cowl in Batman Begins. Bruce and Alfred had to come up with a mask a cowl for Bruce to wear as the Batman. You saw Bruce designing the cowl and Alfred testing how protective they were against blunt trauma with a baseball bat. Later you see him wearing it multiple times fighting Falcone's men, Scarecrow, The League of Shadows, & Ra's Al Ghul. In the first half of The Dark Knight, you see this cowl in action again as he battles off Scarcrow, the Chechen, and their goons.
Alfred Pennyworth: [referring to ordering the separate cowl pieces from Asia] They'll have to be, uh, large orders, uh, to avoid suspicion.
Bruce Wayne: How large?
Alfred Pennyworth: Say, uh, 10,000.
Bruce Wayne: Well, at least we'll have spares.
And that's how the legacy of this cowl began! They are perfect for any Batman costume you choose, Begins, TDK, Panther, 89, Returns, Comic style, etc!